User Signin


The user signin operation is used to sign a user in and get a sessionId for the signed in user. The sessionId can then be used to make other calls requiring a user sessionId.

Note: You must pass either a valid developer sessionId or a developerId and developerPassword to make this call. Passing in the developerId and developerPassword makes it unnecessary to pass also in a developer session, therefore a separate call to create a developer sessionId is unnecessary as well.

The sessionId you get back will then have the users information associated with it. You can stilll use the developer sessionId for developer calls or you can just use the new sessionId for both developer or user calls.




Request GET

Specifying DeveloperId and DeveloperPassword

Specifying Developer sessionId
Success Response Payload
<Result xmlns="">
	<Value i:type="a:string">bqyfeoyt2mfcmqd2pplwmdm1</Value>
Failed Response Payload
<Result xmlns="">
	<Message>Invalid signin credentials</Message>
Fault Response Payload
<RestFault xmlns="">
	<FaultMessage>An unhandled exception has occurred</FaultMessage>

Query String Parameters

Name Description Required


The username for the user

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Must be a valid username.



The password for the user

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Must be a valid password.



The sessionId for the developer

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Must be a valid session id.

Yes, if not passing in developerId and developerPassword


The web service developerId used to access the web service API.

Send and email to: to obtain a developer ID.

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Must be a valid developer Id.

Yes, if not passing in SessionId


The Password associated with the developerId

Type: String

Default: None

Constraints: Must be the valid password.

Yes, if not passing in SessionId

Response Elements

Name Description


This operation returns a Result Entity

Type: Result


Result.Value will be a SessionId on success

Type: String

HTTP Status Code

The Web Server returns a status code which indicates if the operation was successful. Anything other than 200 should be regarded as a failure.

HTTP Status Code of 417

The Web Server threw an exception and contains a RestFault entity. Retrieve the RestFault from the Webexception response property.